Software provided by ControlDev is high standard technology for the Windows platform. Generally utilizing data access through a web service, your data is instantly up to date and readily accessible for the users. Great care is taken in building the custom software and the design will offer great flexibility for adding future features and ensure a maintenance low, if not free, product.
ControlDev builds websites that empower your establishment. Whether the site needs to be a portal for clients, offer reporting for in-house users or even just convey what your establishment does to users, we can provide it. ControlDev has developed many internal use web applications for large corporations.
Web Services
Web services are a way for your different websites and software to all remain connected and in sync. This also ensures that each piece of technology is using the same logic and reduces the chance of inaccurate data. At ControlDev, we develop web services for most of our projects, depending on scale of course. Web services also allow for additional software or websites, or even existing websites or software, to leverage the newly added functionality.
The database of your software is the heart of all operation, so it is important it is designed correctly from the beginning. Whether you have an existing database or ControlDev will be creating one for your application needs, we take great care and understand the importance of the contained data. We work primarily with data in Microsoft SQL Server and XML types, but often work with others products such as Access for small to medium projects.
Data Feeds
Do you need to leverage your existing data? Perhaps you have accumulated important data that you want to make available for others to consume. Data feeds can allow you to deliver data to a 3rd party in a standard format. If you need assistance in developing your data feed, call us today.
For those of you who work better from a technology list, we are currently focused on (but our skillset is not limited to): Angular, C#, Javascript, JSON, Microsoft .Net, REST services, Standards Compliance, SQL and more!